Respiratory Illness / Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Center - 2025


LISVH COVID-19 Alert: 3/25/2025 10:00 AM

This alert is to inform all Visitors, Employees, Volunteers and Residents that we have received notification of 0 residents and 0 new employees/volunteers testing positive for COVID-19.

This week, due to a positive COVID-19 test result for an employee, contact tracing and COVID-19 outbreak testing is currently being conducted on any residents or employees who may have had a potential exposure. After careful analysis of the employee's illness, symptom onset, job duties, and exposure risks, it has been determined that no resident units will be placed on COVID-19 Exposure Precautions at this time. The first round of outbreak testing resulted in no new positive cases.

Last week, outbreak testing conducted due to the positive employees on 1C resulted in 2 residents testing positive for COVID-19. Due to residents testing positive for COVID-19 on 1C, contact tracing and COVID-19 outbreak testing is currently being conducted on any residents or employees who may have had a potential exposure. Due to the COVID-19 positive residents, Unit 1C will be placed on COVID-19 Exposure Precautions at this time. Two rounds of outbreak testing resulted in no new additional positive cases.

This week, outbreak testing on 3D resulted in a positive COVID-19 test result for an employee on 3D. Contact tracing and COVID-19 outbreak testing is currently being conducted on any residents or employees who may have had a potential exposure. After careful analysis of the employee's illness, symptom onset, job duties, and exposure risks, it has been determined that no resident units will be placed on COVID-19 Exposure Precautions at this time. Three rounds of outbreak testing resulted in no new additional positive cases.

Due to infection prevention protocols, the facility has placed the following units on COVID-19 Exposure Precautions:

  • Unit 1C until 3/31/2025

Due to infection prevention protocols, the facility has placed the following units on Respiratory Illness Precautions due to the presence or potential presence of Influenza or RSV:

  • None

Visitation on COVID-19 Exposure / Respiratory Precaution Units is allowed but highly discouraged until the end of the exposure precaution period.

Due to the presence of a respiratory illness on the units listed on exposure precautions, education on the appropriate use of personal protective equipment as well as the core principles of infection control will be provided to all visitors.

Please be advised: An AMG Message Alert will be sent via phone, text, or email to families, designated representatives, staff and residents when a new COVID positive resident or employee is detected, when a respiratory illness cluster is detected or when a unit is placed on infection prevention protocols.

For additional information, please refer to the CMS Required Daily COVID-19 Notifications posted on the webpage below.

Influenza Update - March 20, 2025

There is no presence of Influenza in the building at this time.

If there is a detected case of influenza, proper notifications will be conducted, respiratory precautions and prophylaxis treatments will be put into effect. Please contact our Infection Control Department - Infection Preventionist, Elizabeth Murray RN, at (631) 444-8582 or the nursing unit if you have any questions.

When Influenza is detected at the Long Island State Veterans Home, the facility will follow the recommended CDC Guidance for Influenza Outbreak Management in Long Term Care Facilities.

Preventing transmission of influenza viruses and other infectious agents within healthcare settings, requires a multi-faceted approach that includes the following:

1. Influenza Vaccination

2. Influenza Testing

3. Infection Prevention and Control Measures

4. Antiviral Treatment 

5. Antiviral Chemoprophylaxis

Daily active surveillance for acute respiratory illness is underway for all residents, healthcare personnel and visitors to the facility.

Visiting is highly discouraged at this time. If you are sick, please do not visit!

Due to the identification of the presence of influenza in the facility, all residents will receive antiviral chemoprophylaxis (Tamiflu) as per CDC recommended guidance.

Influenza Antiviral Drug Fact Sheet

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the unit nurse or physician. Thank you for your cooperation.

NYS DOH Health Advisory - Dec. 18, 2024:

Declaration of Influenza Prevalent in New York State

The New York State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald declares influenza to be prevalent in New York State for the 2024-25 influenza season, as of the date of this announcement. In accordance with Section 2.59 of the New York State Sanitary Code (10 NYCRR § 2.59), all healthcare and residential facilities and agencies regulated pursuant to Article 28, 36, or 40 of the public health law, shall ensure that all personnel, as defined in the regulation, not vaccinated against influenza for the current influenza season wear a surgical or procedure mask while in areas where patients or residents are typically present. This declaration shall remain in effect until the Commissioner declares influenza no longer prevalent in New York State.

Masking Requirement Update 

During the NYSDOH determined influenza surveillance season, any employee who has not received the influenza vaccine for 2024-2025, will be required to wear a face mask.

In accordance with the recent New York State Department of Health Advisory, our facility strongly recommends that all visitors wear a face mask while in the facility. Appropriate signage will be posted when there is the presence of a respiratory illness and masks will be required.

Please be aware that the prevalence of respiratory illness within the nursing home can change. In accordance with regulatory guidelines; when the presence of a respiratory illness outbreak is identified within the LISVH, or when the confirmed exposure of a resident or employee occurs, all visitors will be required to wear well-fitting masks covering the nose and mouth when visiting those identified units on respiratory illness outbreak precautions at the Long Island State Veterans Home.

All visitors will be notified of the presence of a respiratory illness upon entering the building. In addition, education on the appropriate use of personal protective equipment as well as the core principles of infection control will be provided.

Thank you for your support.

Reference Information:

New York State Department of Health Dec 2024 Influenza Declaration

New York State Department of Health Masking Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities 1-8-2024

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic

December 5, 2024 - TDAP Vaccination Update


TDAP (Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis) Vaccination Information

The Long Island State Veterans Home seeks to educate its residents, families and staff concerning the importance of vaccination and provide immunizations to the Veterans Home residents, staff and volunteers. CDC materials related to Tdap – tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis can be reviewed following this link:

Vaccine Information Statement | Tdap | Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis | VIS | CDC

       On December 4, 2024, the NYSDOH sent an advisory to alert healthcare providers that there has been a statewide increase in pertussis cases in 2024. Vaccination programs are an important part of infection prevention and control. Tdap vaccination is the best way to prevent severe pertussis and complications related to pertussis including severe illness, hospitalization and death.

The Tdap vaccine will be administered upon request after an evaluation by the attending physician.

 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information that has been provided or if you would like for your family member to be evaluated to receive the Tdap vaccine please call the Infection Control Department - Infection Preventionist, Elizabeth Murray RN, at (631) 444-8582.


Nursing Home Visitation Update - May 22, 2023

The New York State Department of Health has issued an update related to Nursing Home Visitor Testing and Screening for COVID-19.

A copy of the New York State Department of Health Advisory is available here for viewing.

The recent New York State guidance aligns with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Nursing Home Visitation Guidance. While testing is not required, the guidance allows for nursing homes to continue visitor testing and active screening at their discretion.

We have carefully evaluated our policies, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and New York State Department of Health guidelines to ensure that the Long Island State Veterans Home continues to provide the safest environment for our residents, employees, families, volunteers and visitors while following the core principles of infection prevention.

Based upon the current COVID-19 hospital admissions levels, we have made the determination that there will be no visitor testing requirements at this time. 

Although COVID-19 testing is no longer required, we do ask that you continue to adhere to the core principles of infection prevention, including:

  • If you are sick, please do not visit. Please consider deferring non-urgent, in-person visits if you have a positive test for COVID-19, are experiencing symptoms of the virus or have had close contact with someone who has tested positive;
  • Following hand hygiene protocols, which includes using alcohol-based hand sanitizer if hands are not visibly soiled or washing with soap and water;
  • Maintaining physical distance where practical;
  • Test kits will continue to be available for visitors who would like to test prior to visiting their loved one;
  • We encourage all visitors to be vaccinated, and boosted when eligible, to reduce the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19, as well as to reduce the severity of illness if infection occurs.

Visiting Information:

  1. Visitors are still required to be actively screened at the information desk. Visitors will have their temperature taken and a healthcare screening questionnaire will be completed.
  2. After screening, all visitors should report directly to the resident room or designated visiting location. It is recommended that your visit is conducted in these designated spaces.
  3. Due to social distancing requirements (physical distancing of at least six feet), no more than two visitors per resident are allowed for an in-room visit.
    • If a resident or a visitor requests additional individuals to be present, facility staff will offer alternative visiting space, if available.
  4. Weather permitting, outdoor visitation is encouraged.
  5. Outdoor visitation will take place in the front of the building and pond area.
    • Seating is on a first come, first serve basis.
    • All visitors should physically distance (maintain separation of at least six feet) from other residents and other visitors.
    • Outdoor visitation for COVID Exposed Units will take place in the courtyard.
  6. Please remember to notify a member of the nursing staff if you are taking a resident off the unit for an outdoor visit.

Due to space limitation in our multi-purpose room and physical distancing requirements, visitors may be restricted from attending some indoor therapeutic recreation activities.


If you have any questions, please contact the Administration Office at 631-444-8606 or the Social Work Department at 631-444-8545.

CMS Guidance QSO-20-29-NH - Daily COVID-19 Information Notification to Family, Health Care Proxy, & Next of Kin